Rhea: FYI, huge possibility for extreme weather this evening. Big hail, bad wind and tornado threats.
Me: Nooooo.
Rhea: Something about super cells.
Me: We just need regular cells.
– Work Chat
My friend warned me about some weather that was headed our way yesterday. Yes, it’s that time of year for temperamental Texas weather.
Wait, I take that back, every time of year is time for temperamental Texas weather.
All day, the skies were gray and the wind howled. Every hour it threatened rain. It wasn’t until well into the evening that the rain came, pelting our aging windows with large droplets.
This morning we awoke to cooler temperatures and a couple blown-over pots, but no significant damage. Most of the weather events occurred several miles south of Dallas. There were reports of high winds, tornados, and structural damage.
Hoping this will be the only significant weather event of the season, but this is Texas. I’m sure we’ve only just begun.